Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Observation: Coffee

Wellintonians like strong coffee! Don't know if the rest of NZ shares that, but you cannot get coffee that isn't made from espresso grind. Our hotel room has both an espresso machine and a French coffee press (Bodum), and that seems to reflect the cultural taste for strong coffee. Some of the homeware stores sell American-style coffee makers, but espresso machines and presses far outnumber them. And yes, espresso machines are expensive here, too!

WETA serves only espresso to its employees and guests. When Kevin and I sat down with the Relocation Manager, we were offered short or tall coffees - espresso served in espresso cups. And Kevin tells me that in his office, in the so-called "Record Press" building (WETA is comprised of several different buildings), there is a row of espresso machines available for employees to make their own individual coffees, with no other types of coffee-maker in sight.

I can't do espresso everyday. I used to drink it occasionally back home, but it makes my veins crawl here. So, I'm no longer a coffee drinker, which is probably just as well. Kevin, on the other hand, is drinking his three-cups-a-day in stride, and loving it!

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